Thursday 29 March 2007

Is Your Sunday Longer Than Your Monday?

Once upon a time, when scooters were in vogue and P.Ramlee ruled the airwaves, this phrase was coined to courteously point out that one’s petticoat was showing beneath one’s skirt, which was considered vulgar more than a fashion faux pas….

Now, fast forward to the 21st century,…… when scooters are still in vogue and god knows who rules the airwaves, showing off one’s decorative bra-straps, fanciful panties beneath a very low hipster pants, or even the word ‘Calvin Klein’ seen on the tip of the underwear is considered ‘fashionable’. Manners? That is no longer an issue.

And thus, the trend has come a full circle and what was once taboo is now fashionable. Amazing how fashion changes the world, isn’t it?

1 comment:

Mae said...

Hello there, welcome, welcome. Wah not bad, your blog looks good :)